Dreams don’t have to be the strange things that live at the outer rim of your consciousness after you wake up in the mornings. You can use them to inspire you, to guide your writing, and to help you answer questions. Tzivia Gover joins us with practical ideas for incorporating dreams into your writing process and implementing methods that will enable you to capture and utilize your dreams.
Listen to the episode here on the website. Or tune in to The Write Approach on your favorite podcast app: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Overcast, Amazon Music, and Audible.

The Write Approach, Episode 62: Letting Your Dreams Guide Your Writing with Tzivia Gover
You can watch the episode on our YouTube channel.
Tzivia Gover’s website: https://thirdhousemoon.com/
Barbara Hinske’s website: https://barbarahinske.com/
J. W. Judge’s website: https://jwjudge.com/