When you’re writing there are plenty of people willing to offer their opinions about your work. Some of them are even qualified to do so. However, among professional editors there will be differing ideas, and the writing may receiving conflicting suggestions about revisions they should make to their work. When this conflict arises, how should the writer decide what to do? We walk about this with author and writing coach, Allison K Williams.
Allison K Williams is a journalist, editor, and writing coach. She is also the author of the book Seven Drafts: Self-Edit Like a Pro From Blank Page to Book.
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The Write Approach, Episode 51: How to Handle Conflicting Writing Advice with Allison K Williams
You can watch the episode on our YouTube channel.
Allison K Williams’ website: https://idowords.net/
Allison K Williams’ article, I Received Conflicting Advice on My Query Letter. What Now?
Barbara Hinske’s website: https://barbarahinske.com/
J. W. Judge’s website: https://jwjudge.com/