Barbara Hinske and J. W. Judge give personal updates about their author journey’s, including Barb recounting how she responded to losing two hours worth of writing. In the day’s topic, they discuss different means of researching and the integral role that research has played in writing their novels. In the conversation, they discuss how research can be anything from going through historical archives to traveling to sites pertinent to a story to interviewing people who have the physical limitations or condition you’re writing about.
Here’s a link to J. W. Judge’s writing blog for a couple of photographs and another recounting of the trip to Denver he talks about in the episode that was a part of the historical novel he was working on: Traveling to Add Depth to Your Writing.

The Write Approach, Episode 4: Research’s Role in Writing Fiction
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Barbara Hinske’s author website —
J. W. Judge’s author website —
J. W. Judge’s writing blog —
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