Author, lawyer, and entrepreneur Lisa M. Lilly knows what it’s like to have ambitions of becoming a writer, setting that aside for a time, and coming back to fiction writing as a second career. In Episode 30, we talk with Lilly about practical measures that busy professionals can take to pursue writing as a second career.
For a deeper dive into the topic, pick up Lisa M. Lilly’s newest non-fiction book, Fiction Writing as Your Second Career. J. W. Judge’s own book, Write Your Novel One Day at a Time, explores a similar topic and includes a separate interview with Lilly.
The Write Approach, Episode 30: Writing Fiction as a Second Career with Lisa M. Lilly
Listen to the episode here on the website.
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You can also watch it on our YouTube channel.
Lisa M. Lilly’s website: (including the podcast, Buffy and the Art of Story)
Lilly’s Writing As a Second Career website:
Barbara Hinske’s website:
J. W. Judge’s author website:
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