Month: August 2022

The First Interview Is in the Can

Barbara Hinske and J. W. Judge like to set high expectations to live up to. So for their first interview (which you’ll hear in Episode 3 on September 20), they talked with an author with 35 years of novel-writing experience,n one other than #1 NYT bestselling author Scott Turow. We can’t wait to share his approach to writing novels and thoughts about the evolution of book marketing. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything.

Recording in Progress

We wanted to drop a brief note to let you know that we’ve recorded three episodes of The Write Approach and can’t wait to start sharing them with you when in the podcast launches on September 6. Here are the titles of the first two episodes just to let you know what you’re in for: Episode 1: Where Do Story Ideas Come From?, and Episode 2: Should You Write Under a Pen Name? Look for more in the coming weeks!

Here are the hosts, Barbara Hinske and J. W. Judge, recording Episode 2.

Screenshot of Barbara Hinske and J. W. Judge recording Episode 2 of The Write Approach